so, a person might ask (a person with waaayyy too much free time): "just what kinds of stuffed-with-glamor environmental justice-type stuff -- yes, stuffed-with-glamor stuff -- goes on at verde, day to day, week to week?"
and, we would reply, between sips of mead and marches on washington, interrupting our routine and far flung break-room-table debates with s. truth, c. chavez, j.o. arc, and j. kerouac (dude needs to get a life), to say:
we run a business, we serve a community
this a last week, we've devoted a good chunk of time to preparing an estimate for the Lake Oswego 10th Street Green Street Project, a big and swanky tear up and rebuild of 5-ish blocks which a lot of bioswales and other stormwater treatments. we've done this together with our steady partner, ProLandscape, a 20 year old landscape contracting and design firm. They teach us a lot, including how to prepare a bid.
Other A-List tasks for this week include buying tools, buying educational signage for our Hacienda CDC installations:

...invoicing, irrigation system stuff (this is my favorite thing in the world, barely edging out singing off-key, or the onset of allergy season), lawyers/guns/money, and this damn blog
(excuse me, i gotta go, t. rex has had too much to drink, and he and madame curie are about to make a mess of the place...)
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